June 2024 Quarterly Newsletter

June 28, 2024 1:07 pm

It is important to realize that lawns do not waste water, but people do. We can all do our part in conservation of water year-round and especially during the hotter months like June through August. Here are some tips residents can follow to conserve water and save money throughout the summer months.

  1. Watering Times
    Avoid watering between the times of 10 am-6 pm. Watering early in the morning or later in the evening allows the water to soak into the soil before evaporation can take place. During drought times, this rule is often followed by local municipalities to promote conservation of water. Following this rule can benefit the community year-round.
  2. Evaporation control
    By changing the length of the grass to roughly 3 inches, Residents can control the amount of evaporation that happens on their lawn. Longer blades of grass help shade the roots, reduce evaporation, and control weed growth. This can be beneficial especially while we are in drought conditions. To read more about the drought contingency plan and watering regulations, click here.
  3. Consider Irrigation Needs
    Opt for drip irrigation systems for flower beds, ground cover, gardens, and container plants. These types of systems water slowly over time and conserve water by allowing soil to absorb water slowly much like when it rains. Spray irrigation systems cover a larger surface area, however, they also promote more water usage and run off which leads to plants losing soil. Soil loss can be detrimental to plants because it helps them maintain moisture. Irritation should be checked consistently and set to water during early mornings or in the evenings.
  4. The Dirt on Dirt
    Knowing the type of soil you have is a big factor in how much you need to water. Clay-like soils tend to be heavier and tend to hold onto water for longer, therefore don’t need to be watered that often, whereas sand-like soils are more drainage-friendly and more likely to need more frequent watering. These are all things to keep in mind when watering your lawn and garden.
  5. The Importance of Mulch Adding mulch around the garden can limit the amount of evaporation that occurs from the sun on hot days. Not only can applying mulch conserve soil moisture, but it also reduces weed growth which takes water away from plants and improves the fertility and health of the soil. By retaining water, you not only have to water less but also lower your water bill in the process.
  6. Consider Your Smart Meter
    Your smart meter has the ability to track, monitor, and measure your water usage, as well as detect leaks in your system. By using the EyeOnWater App, Residents have the ability to gauge their water usage while conserving water and maintaining their lawn. You can find more information about your smart meter and how to sign-up for the EyeOnWater App here.
  7. Ensure Sprinklers are Lawn-Facing
    Residents should take the time to make sure all sprinklers are lawn-facing and avoid any run-off onto the concrete, sidewalks, and driveways that may waste water. By ensuring that the lawn is being fully saturated when watering, and watered optimally, residents will see a decrease in water usage overall when performing lawn care. Residents can track this usage with their Smart Meter in tandem with only watering twice a week, and watering at optimal times.
  8. Consider Grass Types
    Residents should consider a grass type based on their amount of shade or sun, as well as following proper lawn care for that grass type. Burmudagrass, Zoysia Grass, and St. Augustine Grass are the most common types of grass found in the Houston area as they are heat tolerant and adaptable to different soil types. Residents can find more information online about the grass they have and the requirements necessary for the ideal environment for their lawn.
  9. WaterMyYard
    Consider a tool like WaterMyYard. WaterMyYard is a tool created by Texas A&M that takes the guesswork out of how much you should be watering your yard. Residents can sign up for WaterMyYard and the program uses local weather data from an extensive network of rain gauges and weather stations to provide weekly watering advice and specific lawn and irrigation system care.

Conservation, lawn care, and maintenance, go hand in hand. We can all do our part in conservation efforts to help our community and lawn care is the most effective way to do so for outdoor water usage.

As a resident of Spring Creek Utility District, you have access to free vacation watches by Mongomery County Precinct 3.

You can request a vacation watch at no cost to you. While away from your residence, Deputies will patrol the area and keep a watchful eye on your home.

Please leave detailed information about your home such as:

  • Will you be leaving any lights on in the home?
  • Do you have any pets staying in the home?
  • Is there an alarm system and if so, will it be armed?
  • Have you authorized anyone to come into your home?
  • Are you leaving any vehicles at your home?
  • Is there a secondary contact we can reach out to in case we are unable to reach you?

To request a vacation watch from Montgomery County Precinct 3, click here to fill out a vacation watch form.

Please remember to update Montgomery County Precinct 3 of any changes such as additional people coming to your residence or changes in date of departure or return.

Tips for the home while you’re away:

  • Inform the alarm company of your departure and make Montgomery County Precinct 3 the first contact while you are away from home, as this will save valuable time in getting law enforcement to your residence.
  • Have lights on timers, as having lights on around the clock is a sign no one is home.
  • Leave a parked car in the driveway with no valuables inside.
  • Make arrangements for your pets whether it be someone coming to your home to walk and feed them, a boarding facility, or having them stay with a trusted family member or friend.
  • Make sure your pet’s information such as ID tags and collars, microchips are up to date and give a list of emergency contact information about your pet such as preferred veterinarian, updated shot records, and other medical information with the authorized person(s) watching your pet.
  • Finding a trusted person to house sit is one of the best ways to avoid your home looking empty.
  • Find an emergency contact that can be called in case you cannot be reached.

Extra Patrol

For patrols on a specific street or block, residents can put in that information into the system and the details why they are asking for extra patrols in their area. The extra patrols and vacation watches are done randomly to not create a pattern. To request additional patrols in your area, click here.

The following links and resources have been put together for residents to be better prepared during a hurricane or extreme weather event.

Stay Informed

Sign up for alerts in your area. You can find alerts for the greater Houston area at ReadyHarris.

Sign up for alerts in Mongomery county using Alert MCTX.

Know Your Hurricane Risk

Be on the lookout for news from FEMA or sign-up for for alerts in the FEMA app here.

Find out about flooding in your area here.

Know your risk by looking at the National Hurricane Center website (NOAA).

Know Your Evacuation Zone

Check your evacuation route via map here.

Check flooded roads and road closures here

Assemble Disaster Supplies

Have a checklist ready and a kit prepared during hurricane season in case evacuation or shelter in place is necessary.

Strengthen Your Home

You can find a list of home weatherization tips here.

Make an Emergency Plan

Ensure you communicate with your family about your hurricane plans to make sure everyone is on the same page. Working together through events and accounting for everyone’s responsibilities and tasks during an extreme weather event is essential for a swift and effective plan.

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