Household Garbage, and Heavy Garbage Collection ONLY.
Please have trash out at the curb by 7:00am.
Damaged Collection Bin
If your trash or recycling bin is damaged, contact GFL Environmental at 281-368-8397 for repair or replacement.
Recycling is only picked up once per week. Please see your neighborhood's schedule below.
Pickup for neighborhoods:
- Forest Village
- Spring Creek Pines
- Lockeridge Farms
- Fox Run
Pickup for neighborhoods:
- Legends Run
Residents with products that cannot be recycled or collected can be dropped off at the Montgomery County Residential Recycling Facility. For more information visit this link.
- Styrofoam
- Mirrors
- Aerosol Cans
- Coathangers
- Soiled Pizza Boxes
- Paints
- Ceramics
- Mirrors
- Solvents
- Light Bulbs
- Windows
- Electronics
- Paper Towels
- Tissue/Toilet Paper
- Chemicals
Heavy Trash
There is a limit of four (4) Items that will be picked up outside of the ninety-five (95) gallon cart. This includes yard waste, small furniture, etc. Excluded from normal collection are wooden fence pieces, dirt, rocks, bricks, concrete, tires, batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, refrigeration freon, construction debris, metal (bed frames, recliners, etc), waste generated by a private contractor or any materials or items deemed hazardous materials. GFL will leave you a tag explaining the reason for any non-collected item(s).
If your needs exceed the normal amount of residential waste, yard trimmings or bulk items, please contact GFL in advance and they will meet you prior to the collection day to determine a price for special pick-up. If you do not notify GFL of a special pick-up before its scheduled day, then GFL will leave a notice asking you to contact them during normal office hours, but before the next scheduled pickup day.
Holiday Schedule
- New Year's Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
Should a holiday fall on one of your regularly scheduled trash service days, your home will not be serviced until the next regularly scheduled service day.
- Cans must be at curb before 7am on collection days and kept there until 7pm
- Do not place containers too close to mailboxes, parked cars or other objects.
- Allow ample surrounding space so the automated lifting mechanism can be attached around the container and lifted.
- Only the uniquely designed GFL poly collection containers will be picked up.
- Bagging trash will help prevent trash from blowing when it is emptied. It also helps with maintaining the cleanliness of the container.
GFL will clean up any spillage that occurs during the collection process. However, if liquid items such as gasoline, motor oil, paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items that are not visible to the GFL employee spills and causes a stain, GFL cannot be held responsible.
If you have any questions regarding your trash and recycling collection, contact GFL customer service.